ACA Initial Measurement Period Report
This report generates a list of employees for a particular ACA group and tells you the if the initial measurement period for the employee is in the measurement period, administrative period or stability period.
This report generates a list of employees for a particular ACA group and tells you the if the initial measurement period for the employee is in the measurement period, administrative period or stability period.
This report generates a list of employees based on the standard measurement period settings of a particular ACA group. The initial measurement period is defined in the group record. You may monitor current employees and adjust schedules accordingly.
Determines if a company is subject to ACA regulations. The ALE (applicable large employers) Calculation report generates monthly counts of full-time, plus the calculation of part-time employees to get full time equivalents, to help determine the ACA full time employee count.
Transmittal summary for a company for Applicable Large Employer group. This is analogous to the W3 form which accompanies W2 forms.