Improving Manufacturing Order Turnaround

"Our Sales staff used to have to come out to the shop floor for stock status updates. We did not have control of our raw materials and finished goods inventory..."

"I had no idea the results would be this dramatic...We now have raw material, stock room, and finished goods inventory visibility which many on our management team didn't think was even possible due to the seemingly infinite number of variations of wires and cables we can manufacture..."

"Sales no longer needs to be out on the floor or in the stock room trying to determine what we have or what we can make to meet customer requirements. Lead times on highly customized cables were reduced from thirteen weeks to six weeks. And, the creation of a "Fast Lane" for common stock cables helps us ship in just days..."

"All in all, your Passport PBS Manufacturing implementation has helped us create a huge competitive advantage and will have a positive long term, ongoing impact on our bottom line. We are driving toward very accurate estimation of lead times and as a result, the very important goal of 100% on-time shipments..."

David, President of an American wire & cable manufacturer