ACA Savings
How much money can you save in the costs of complying with the Affordable Care Act by using the Passport ACA program? Watch the video to learn how to use the tool.
Download the Passport ACA Calculator
How much money can you save in the costs of complying with the Affordable Care Act by using the Passport ACA program? Watch the video to learn how to use the tool.
Download the Passport ACA Calculator
Apple has announced that they will no longer provide security updates or patches for a program called Quicktime. Check now, and if it's installed on your system understand that it is a known security risk.
Before long somebody will email you a cute little video of puppy dogs or kitty cats that only plays on a QT player, and when you play it it will infect your computer with a virus, or something even worse.
Simply use the appropriate program, probably "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel, and uninstall Quicktime. You'll never miss it.
If you have a video that requires QT and is irreplaceable, call or contact us and we'll help convert it to another format.
I don't know why I love this video, but I do. You've seen the "What? Nothing!" exchange in movies, on TV and in real life.
Passport will be holding a webinar about Material Resource Planning on April 20, 2016. This is part of the Passport Manufacturing suite of ERP programs.
You can get more information by calling us, or call this guy:
David Dorsey
800.969.7900 x145
This is a video presentation of the Passport ACA program, featuring maintenance and setup, reporting and forms generation examples.