PBS Payroll Software with Direct Deposit
Comprehensive in-house payroll management: Provides safeguards for accuracy and privacy, and flexible setting to accommodate a variety of payroll and deduction needs.
Compliance: Software updates issued as needed to adhere to federal, state and local payroll reporting regulations.
Safeguard sensitive data: User and system level access controls. Payroll does not even appear on the menu for those users not associated with payroll processing.
Reduce fraud: Direct Deposit reduces check access and printing costs. Positive Pay records produced for transmission to your bank provide further control and helps eliminate the risk of fraudulent bank transactions.
Audit trails and comprehensive reports protect your operations: Payroll check register, history report, union deductions report, hours report as well as a standard quarterly report, a 1099 report (for non-employee compensation), a year-end W2 information report and more.
Time Clock Option: Add TimeClick time clock software to allow employees to clock in and out from Windows computers across your network. Securely manage employee time and run reports in Administration mode. Import data into PBS Payroll for quicker processing.
Affordable Care Act Option: Leverage existing payroll employee record to populate information into the ACA modules. Flexible ACA options allow you to continuously monitor ACA insurance status and compliance for every employee on an on-going basis. Generates 1094-C and 1095-C reports on paper and in electronic format, and stays current with changing IRS requirements.